BSc. Nursing, GNM Nursing, MSc. Nursing Direct Admission

B.Sc Nursing, GNM Nursing, MSc. Nursing and Physiotherapy admission 2023-2024 session has already started, for direct admission and to confirm your seat and other queries contact Mr. Bachan (Academic and Admission Counselor).
India: +91-9902771237
Mr. Bachan will lead you and help you in getting admission in Top Nursing Colleges In Bangalore recognized by Indian Nursing Council (INC) and Karnataka Nursing Council (KNC).
Bsc Nursing College in Bangalore | Admission 2024 section through Entrance...
General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) Course Details / Eligibility, Scope, Document’s...
BSc. Nursing

In India, experts have come together and formed a curriculum that is followed across India in all government and private institutions offering the B.Sc Nursing course. The course has been designed to train and qualify all aspirants into graduates who will be able to practice the art in different settings.
GNM Nursing

The Full form of GNM is General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) GNM course is a 3 years duration. gnm nursing cource aimed to prepare students to work effectively as members of the health team. It is diploma level course, suitable for those who want to pursue career in clinical nursing. GNM admission is done through Common Entrance Examinations conducted by various State departments across India.
MSc. Nursing

M.Sc. Nursing is a two year program which specializes in many branches; for example Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing etc. The mode of admission is mostly throughEntrance Examination or through marks obtained in qualifying examination and personal interview.
Post BSc. Nursing